
FPG has been awarded the prize of " Leasing Deal of the Year 2020 (East)


Financial Products Group Co., Ltd. (FPG) is pleased to announce that our JOLCO transaction has been awarded "Leasing Deal of the Year 2020(East)" by Marine Money.

 Lessee   :ICBC Financial Leasing
        (A group company of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,
          one of the four major commercial banks in China)
         China Merchants Energy Shipping
        (A government-affiliated shipping company headquartered in
         Shanghai, China)
 Arranger  :FPG Asset & Investment Management

        (FPG AIM, FPG's Equity method affiliate)
 Equity underwriter :FPG

This prize was highly rated since FPG provided sophisticated financial schemes in the shipping business with the collaboration of FPG AIM, overcoming various structural obstacles by utilizing the comprehensive strength of the Group, thus demonstrating JOLCO's strengths and flexibility under the current COVID-19 global pandemic.

FPG and its group company look forward to continuing to provide a one-stop financial service business that satisfies customer needs by maximizing group synergies.

Marine Money:https://www.marinemoney.com/homepage
Marine Money is a market leading financial publication of the global shipping industry.

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