TVCM: "Truly Valuable Assets" Edition
As Financial Partners to our customers, we are committed to supporting them to resolve their challenges and helping them realize their dreams through a diverse range of
financial products and services.
Since our establishment in 2001, we have expanded our business domains from our
Leasing Fund Business to our Domestic Real Estate Fund Business,
International Real Estate Fund Business, Aviation Business,
and Fractional Ownership Platform Business in order to meet the extensive needs of customers.
Through our creative and unique financial products and services, we will continue to contribute to the creation of a strong and prosperous society,
while remaining by our customers’ sides throughout their challenges.
01Leasing Fund Business
Total arrangement amount:
3.8 trillion yen
A Leading Company of Japanese Operating Lease
02Domestic Real Estate
Fund Business
Total arrangement amount:
Over 290 billion yen
Investment products arranged and structured
by the real estate professionals
03International Real Estate
Fund Business
Providing new solutions to the
management challenges of domestic SMEs
through investment products targeting
International Real Estate
04Aviation Business
Providing private jet service and
medical professional transportation service
for remote islands and areas
05Fractional Ownership
Platform Business
Providing fractional ownership service for
rare assets such as fine art collections
and vintage supercars
We have continued to grow over the past 20+ years since our establishment
by providing imaginative and unique products and services.
Strong sales network with accounting firms and financial institutions nationwide
Sales network
over 7,500
accounting firms
over 160
financial institutions
Supported by an extensive list of valued customers over
the past 20+ years
Customer base
over 14,000
corporate customers
over 6,800
individual customers
Cumulative amount of Japanese Operating Lease projects arranged
Cumulative amount of Japanese Operating Lease projects arrranged
over 3.8
trillion yen
Cumulative amount of Domestic and International Real Estate arranged
Cumulative amount of Domestic and International Real Estate arranged
over 380
billion yen