Corporate Data

Corporate Profile

Company NameFinancial Partners Group Co., Ltd.
Main BusinessLeasing Fund Business, Domestic Real Estate Fund Business, International Real Estate Fund Business,
M&A Business, Aviation Business, Fractional Ownership Platform Business,
Trust Business, and Securities Business
Registration Numbers

Financial Instruments Business Operator
Registered with Kanto Local Finance Bureau
(Registration Number: 1832)

Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider
Registered with Kanto Local Finance Bureau
(Registration Number: 1022)

Real Estate Transaction License
Registered with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
(Registration Number: (3)8421)

Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise License
Registered with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
(Registration Number: 1)

Agent for Trust Agreement
Registered with Kanto Local Finance Bureau
(Registration Number: 94)

Money Lender Business
Registered with Governor of Tokyo
(Registration Number: (2)31841)

Date of Establishment

November 2001

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Paid in Capital 3,095,874,087 yen
Credit Rating Long-term Issuer Rating:BBB (Stable)
Short-term Issuer Rating:J-2
CP: J-2 (Maximum:JPY 10 billion)
Rating firm:Japan Credit Rating Agency.Ltd.(“JCR”)
Listed market The Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange(Stock code: 7148)
Association MembershipType II Financial Instruments Firms Association
Representative Director

Hisanaga Tanimura, CEO and Founder

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Number of Employees 248(Non-Consolidated)
(As of Sep. 30, 2023)
Core Banks Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, MUFG Bank, Ltd., Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited., Resona Bank, Limited., The Shoko Chukin Bank,Ltd., and Regional Financial Institutions