Investor Relations

Disclosure Policy

FPG makes appropriate information disclosure in compliance with Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other related laws and regulations, as well as rules on the timely disclosure of corporate information stipulated in the "Securities Listing Regulations" of the listed exchange (hereinafter the "Timely Disclosure Rules", and in conjunction with laws and regulations, "Related Laws"), and also strives to actively provide information beyond that required by Related Laws. This includes both financial information, such as financial standing and operating results, and non- financial information, such as business strategies and business issues, risk and governance.

Therefore we have created the following disclosure policy which we shall abide by.

1. Information Disclosure Standards

FPG appropriately discloses information in accordance with Related Laws. When information arises related to determined facts, occurring facts, or financial performance that may have a significant impact on investment decisions of shareholders and investors, FPG will promptly disclose such information according to the standards outlined in laws and regulations.

At the same time, FPG will proactively disclose information that is deemed to be important or valuable to investment decisions of shareholders and investors, even when it is not subject to Related Laws.

However, personal information, client information, and information that may infringe upon the rights of a related party will not be disclosed.

2. Information Disclosure Methods

Information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules is promptly published on our corporate website following the disclosure via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules is also openly disclosed via appropriate methods including our corporate website.

3. Prevention of Insider Trading

FPG has established internal rules for the appropriate management of material facts about FPG group in order to prevent insider trading, and is working to promote a thorough understanding and awareness of these rules by officers and employees across the entire group.

4. Fair Disclosure

FPG manages undisclosed material facts and definitive financial information on the FPG Group as important information that could significantly influence investment decisions;and when relaying important information to business partners, FPG discloses important information in an appropriate manner in accordance with laws and regulations concerning the disclosure of important information.

5. Handling of Earnings Forecasts and Future Information

Any non-historical facts disclosed in our earnings forecasts, strategies, policies, targets, etc. are forward-looking statements. Such statements are made on the grounds of a plan, expectation, or decision made based on information obtained at the time and certain assumptions deemed reasonable, while actual results may vary greatly due to various risks and uncertainties.

6. Quiet Period

In order to ensure fairness to every shareholder and investor, FPG has set a quiet period from the day after the end of a fiscal quarter until the announcement of the financial results. During this period, FPG will refrain from responding to or making comments on questions related to our financial results and earnings forecasts. However, if a large discrepancy from the earnings forecast is found or a material facts that should be disclosed arises during the quiet period, information will be disclosed in an appropriate and timely manner in accordance with laws and regulations.